Hosting Plans – Shubham The DevOps

  • FF / A4 Saheli Flats, Saurabhpark,
    Samta, Subhanpura, Vadodara 390023
    Gujarat, India.
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  • (+91) 9151 - 6161 - 31
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We offer the best web hosting, ecommerce web hosting, shared web hosting, Linux web hosting, website hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS hosting, and reseller hosting with 99.99% uptime.

  • Free Managed Migration
  • 24/7/365 Support Coverage
  • Proactive Host Monitoring
  • Automatic WordPress Updates

Shubham The DevOps Hosting Plans

From professional business to enterprise, we've got you covered!


₹ 2000 /Yr.

  • 2 DOMAIN
  • 1 BACKUP
  • N/A FTP
  • 1 CRON JOB


₹ 3200 /Yr.

  • 8 DOMAIN
  • 5 MAILS
  • 3 BACKUP
  • FTP
  • 3 CRON JOB


₹ 4400/Yr.

  • 10GB SPACE
  • 15 DOMAIN
  • 10 MAILS
  • 5 BACKUP
  • FTP
  • 5 CRON JOB


₹ 6800/Yr.

  • Unlimited SPACE
  • 50 DOMAIN
  • Unlimited MAILS
  • 5 BACKUP
  • FTP
  • 10 CRON JOB

Shubham The DevOps Features

From professional business to enterprise, we've got you covered!


Shubham DevOps allows you to setup all aspects of your hosting solution and set up a CMS like WordPress or Drupal. It's a fairly advanced platform, but it's still a fairly easy-to-use platform with amazing speed. Improve the performance of your website with the perfect Linux shared hosting cache package.

99.9% Uptime

Uptime is the most important part of hosting your site. This should be the first thing you use to assess the potential quality of your hosting. You spend a lot of time, money and effort to find different ways to attract visitors to your site. But if the site is down when people arrive, that's a big problem. Here we solve this problem by offering a 99.9% operating time guarantee.


Shubham The DevOps using very advance method to get online 24/7 & for this we are working hard to solve all errors for avoiding any kind of errors. We used edge level of CI/CD for regular sent or received from all servers and our proxy network.

Free Let’s
Encrypt SSL

SSL is the backbone of our secure Internet and protects your confidential information as it travels across global computer networks. It keeps confidential information confidential on the Internet so that only the intended recipient can access it. That's way Shubham The DevOps provide a SSL certificate for the security of your hosting

Frequently Asked Questions

Most people will do much better with a VPS than a dedicated server, especially if you choose a cloud VPS provider.

A cloud VPS has many of the same benefits of a dedicated server, but in a more affordable package and with a lot more flexibility. This is why, in 2021 and beyond, most businesses are moving towards cloud hosting rather than their own dedicated hosting.

A dedicated server really only makes sense for high-traffic websites with very unique hosting needs. For most other sites, going with a cloud VPS is a better option!

The word ‘Hosting’ in Server brings with it — exclusivity, control, management, versatility, security and safety. If you own a website, all these factors are crucial to its successful running.

Choosing the right plan and service to use a Hosting Server, that fits your needs, is probably one of the most crucial business decisions one needs to make. When you use a hosting server, you gain complete control of your data and the server, ensuring that no other user is using the same resources as you.

As your business start-up, and the traffic to your website increases, it’s advisable to choose a Starter Hosting Server to efficiently manage the running of your website, secure data, and effectively manage traffic spikes.

Furthermore, if you have limited resources and time, you can choose between a managed or unmanaged, to bring in professional and technical support as required.

VPS is short for a Virtual Private Server. VPS hosting is one of the most popular hosting services you can choose for your website. It uses virtualization technology to provide you with dedicated (private) resources on a server with multiple users.

It’s a more secure and stable solution than shared hosting where you don’t get a dedicated server space. However, it’s smaller-scale and cheaper than renting an entire server.

VPS hosting is usually chosen by website owners who have medium-level traffic that exceeds the limits of shared hosting plans but still don’t need the resources of a dedicated server.

VPS solutions usually offer more than one hosting plan. For instance, at Shubham The DevOps, we have all plans to suit different business needs and let you scale your site seamlessly when you need more resources.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates provide a specific method of encryption. They ensure that the data going from the user’s computer to the website stays secure and unreadable to any malicious intruders like hackers and identity thieves, but any other third parties too. Therefore, it remains safely protected.

SSL cryptography uses two keys, one private and one public, which are long strings of random numbers. Public key is known to the server and it encrypts all information. This information can be unlocked only with a private key. If an intruder happens to intercepts this connection, he would only encounter understandable numbers.

So, each time you enter any of your personal information into a certain website, SSL makes sure all your data travels safely from your browser to the web server. This is pretty important if you’re doing some fun online shopping and you share sensitive information (like your bank account number) online.

You can think of an SSL certificate as a certain data file, provided by a trusted party, that authenticates and guarantees the identity of a certain website with a cryptographic key. It binds together information such as domain name, server name, company name and its location.

Each time you enter any of your personal information into a certain website, SSL makes sure all your data travels safely from your browser to the web server.
SSL signals users and tells them something like “hey, this website is ok, you’re safe, you can spend your money here or share personal data”. Website traffic coming from each individual user is encrypted, kind of like a trusted conversation no one can eavesdrop.

SSL is a part of the HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which safeguards your data and enables secure sessions once the certificate is installed on the web server. Users can see whether or not a website is secure by looking at the browser tab: if there’s a padlock, a word “secure” marked in green, and of course – HTTPS, then it’s safe to enjoy that website.

Importance of an SSL certificate :

As we already mentioned, SSL certificate has become a security standard. However, websites that absolutely must obtain it are those that have logins or use forms, given the fact they operate with sensitive data such as usernames and passwords. Of course, e-commerce websites need SSL as they have to comply with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards and protect customer data.

However, all websites can benefit from this additional layer of security and it is important to acknowledge that.

The importance of owning an SSL certificate can be seen in the following:

- It promotes data security and keeps all data between servers protected
- It builds digital trust and shows you care about your visitors’ data safety
In the SEO context, HTTPS websites might experience a ranking boost
- If you’re involved in the ecommerce business, owning an SSL certificate can improve your conversions by signalizing shoppers they can safely make a purchase: study by Symantec suggests conversion rate can be increased by 18-87%. Plus, you can increase your average transaction value by 23%, which is again tightly connected to the trustworthiness.

In addition to all of the above mentioned, an SSL certificate contributes to your brand image and sets a solid reputation for your website, as it clearly communicates you understand the responsibility that comes with being a webmaster. In the moment of writing this blog post, only around 64% of websites are secure, which means we still have a lot of work to do in the domain of online security, particularly when it comes to educating webmasters about the importance of SSL and handling spammers in the cyber arena.

First of all, let's understand the meaning of web hosting. Web hosting allows you to host your website on World Wide Web with the specific or custom domain name as per your business requirements. In this service, hosting providers take some cost and gives some bandwidth or space on the server to store files of the website, files stored on the server just like we are store files on our computer. But they use the computers and servers very higher specification than our computers and must be connected that resource to the Internet with powerful or high bandwidth link.

Why do we need web hosting?

People think purchasing the domain name is sufficient to make the website live for all over the world but the domain name is basically the name of the website to remember easily, then that time we need a web hosting. Technically we can connect our computer to the internet to serve the pages to the users. But, it is not practically possible because, household internet connection is not capable to serve many visitors at the same time period, so web hosting providers make it possible for us to our website will be accessed by everyone at the same time. Because they have their own powerful web servers to store the website files with the high-frequency connection. Web hosting companies are not only providing the hosting solutions but also offers some value-added services like some add-ons, affiliate program, etc.

There are many hosting types available such as:

1.] Shared Web Hosting
2.] Reseller Web Hosting
3.] Cloud-Based Web Hosting
4.] Virtual Private Server (VPS)
5.] Dedicated Web Server
6.] Colocation Web Hosting
7.] WordPress Web Hosting

After all this, the next question is how to find the best web hosting provider?

There are various web hosting providers in the market, but choosing the right one according to your business niche is a difficult task. So for this, we need to consider some factors. First of all, find the relevant information on the internet like reviews, reviews can be found on the many review sites or also check some current users testimonials etc. After that, consider the following important points while choosing the hosting provider.

Cost of the packages:

Compare the hosting package costs with the different hosting providers. The best hosting companies may offer very affordable and reliable hosting plans.

Web Space:

Web space is another important aspect. Compare how much amount of space hosting providers are offering in the same package.

Bandwidth requirement:

Many hosting providers offer 'Unlimited Bandwidth'. But, it often ends with some certain terms and conditions as per company standard. Hosting Bandwidth means the amount of website traffic that the hosting plan can handle per month. So make sure, go through the web hosting providers terms and conditions.
If you’re looking for any affordable web hosting then choose Shubham The DevOps.